Vagal Nerve Stimulation for Intractable Epilepsy

History of Vagal Nerve Stimulation

1925 Berger: EEG from human scalp

1938 Baily & Bremer: fast wave induced in cats

1952 Zanachitti: desynchronization of EEG in cats block interictal spikes

1961 Magnes: synchronization (1-16 Hz) desynchronization (30Hz-)

1966 Chase: impoortance of parameters

1985 Zabara: abort convulsion in dogs

1990 Lockerd: chronic stim decreases epi attacks (monkey)

Perry & Dean (1990): 4 pts: complete control in 2 40% reduction in 1, no change in 1

Uthman (1990): 5 pts; 50% reduction in 3, 32% in 1, no change in 1

Japanese Clinical Trial 1992-




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